上海石油化工股份有限公司自1993年全球上市以来,经过各方的共同努力,取得了良好的经营业绩。为了加快公司的未来发展,实施公司未来三年的资本开支计划,以确保公司持续稳定的业绩增长,“上海石化”作出了增发6.5亿股 H 股的财务安排。1996年8月22日,“上海石化”于12小时内,在香港、美国及亚洲和欧洲实施了配售5亿股 H 股的“闪电行动”,大获成功。1997年1月6日,又一次在国际高价位时“闪电式”配售1.5亿
Since its listing in the world in 1993, Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has achieved good operating results through the concerted efforts of all parties. In order to speed up the company’s future development and implement the company’s capital expenditure plan over the next three years to ensure a steady and steady growth of the Company’s performance, Shanghai Petrochemical has made a financial arrangement to issue additional 650 million H shares. On August 22, 1996, “Shanghai Petrochemical” successfully implemented “Lightning Operation” of placing 500 million H-shares in Hong Kong, the United States, Asia and Europe within 12 hours. January 6, 1997, once again in the international high-priced “lightning” 150 million allotment