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瑞士的一家对珩齿有专长的 Fsslef AG 公司实现了一种不寻常的珩齿方法,他们采用一个大内齿轮式的珩轮(下文简称珩轮)来珩磨正齿轮和螺旋齿轮。工件安装于两顶尖之间,与珩轮相啮合,珩轮旋转时带动工件旋转,此外,工件与珩轮还可作纵向或横向的相对运动。珩轮座连同其传动装置可向左或向右最大摆35°,用以珩磨螺旋齿轮。该公司宣称,用此方法还有可能珩磨螺旋角大至45°的螺旋齿轮。据报道:(1)这种方法可以校正齿形和提高表面光洁度,就同心度和周节误差而言,齿轮的精度可往上提高 DIN三级。(2)可珩磨鼓形齿和锥度齿。(3)由于珩轮齿顶直径相当大,可以珩磨双(三)联齿轮中较小的齿轮. An unusual honing method was implemented at a Swiss honing specialist Fsslef AG, which employed a large internally toothed honing wheel (hereinafter referred to as a honing wheel) to hone the spur and helical gears. The workpiece is installed between the two tops and engaged with the honing wheel. When the honing wheel rotates, the workpiece rotates. In addition, the workpiece and the honing wheel can also be used for longitudinal or transverse relative movement. Honing wheel seat with its transmission can be the largest left or right swing 35 °, for honing helical gears. The company claims that it is also possible with this method to hone a helical gear with a helix angle up to 45 °. It is reported that: (1) This method can correct the tooth profile and improve the surface finish. As far as the concentricity and the pitch error are concerned, the accuracy of the gear can be raised to DIN level 3. (2) Honing drum teeth and taper teeth. (3) Honing the smaller gear in the double (triple) gear due to the rather large diameter of the honing gear.
一颗新星悄然升起,在鄂西北闪烁。她就是经济以崭新面貌迅速崛起,并经受住1990年市场疲软严峻考验的鄂西北重镇——老河口市。 独具特色的三大战略 党的十一届三中全会以前,
中子活化分析具有灵敏度高,选择性好,在单一样品中可同时测定多种微量元素,以及无“空白”影响等优点,目前,已成为微量组份分析最有效的手段之一。 本文探索了用仪器中子活
一、引言 利用矿物中微量铀杂质在长久地质时间内发生的自发裂变的碎片径迹测定矿物年龄的方法,称为裂变径迹法。 1959年,E.C.H.西尔克(Silk)等人用电子显微镜看到,裂变碎片