达竹柏林矿业有限公司掘进二队队长曾宪武,从1983年参加工作那天起,一直在掘进巷道里摸爬滚打,一干就是20年。靠他男子汉的执著,一步一个脚印,用闪光的青春书写着他那不平凡的人生。 2001年担任队长以来,曾宪武带领全队职工克服重重困难,共打进尺7226米,每年均完成计划110%以上,安全上杜绝了重伤及以上事故,工程质量优良品率达97%,为企业发展做出了突出贡献。在谈及管理经验时,曾宪武说:“也没什么特别经验,就是念好勤、细、严、民的‘四字经’。” 口勤、手勤、腿勤 曾宪武于2001年4月担任掘进三队队长,2003年10月担任掘进二队党支部书记,无论在何岗位工作,他都以身作则,任劳
Tsang Hyun-wook, the leader of the second team of Dabing Berlin Minerals Co., Ltd., had been in the tunneling lane since the day he began working in 1983, and he worked for 20 years. Relying on his man’s perseverance, step by step, he wrote his extraordinary life with flash of youth. Since he took the position of captain in 2001, Zeng Xianwu led the team’s staff to overcome difficulties and scored 7226 meters. They completed more than 110% of the plan every year. They have put an end to serious injuries and accidents on their safety. The quality rate of the project is 97%. Development has made outstanding contributions. When talking about management experience, Zeng Xianwu said: “There is no special experience. It is the four-word scripture that reads diligence, fineness, strictness, and civility.” Duan Zengwu, a diligent, diligent, and legged clerk served in April 2001. The captain of the three teams, in October 2003, was the secretary of the Party branch of the second team of the excavation team. No matter where he was working, he set an example.