郁金香在南京等地和长江以北地区,自然栽培条件下难以在春节供花,需经低温处理才行。现将其种球在人工控温条件下的栽培技术介绍如下: 一、选地和土壤准备郁金香适宜在疏松肥沃、富含有机质、排水良好的土壤中生长。土壤以pH6.5~7.0为宜。种前深翻土壤,晾晒15天左右,然后施入腐熟有机肥,每平方米5~8千克(以鸡粪为最好)。耕作层应不低于20厘米。
Tulips in Nanjing and other places and north of the Yangtze River, natural cultivation is difficult to spend in the Spring Festival, subject to low temperature treatment Caixing. Now its bulbs in the artificial temperature conditions of cultivation techniques are as follows: First, the election and soil preparation Tulips suitable for loose fertile, rich in organic matter, well-drained soil growth. Soil to pH6.5 ~ 7.0 is appropriate. Deep soil before planting, drying for about 15 days, and then applied to compost organic fertilizer, 5 to 8 kg per square meter (chicken manure best). Tillage layer should not be less than 20 cm.