炫目的咖啡拉花表演,惊艳的机器人咖啡冲煮,可口的意大利手工冰激凌……这是2017年中国国际咖啡展(Cafe Show)现场的景象。尽管第一天遭遇大雨突袭,但现场观众热情不减,咖啡香气弥漫的各场馆内处处熙来攘往。在这里,你瞬间就能体会到现如今咖啡市场的火爆!扩至4天,人气爆满!2017年7月6~9日,由北京华港展览有限公司主办的第五届中国国际咖啡展在中国国际展览中心
Dazzling coffee pull flower show, stunning robot coffee brewing, delicious Italian handmade ice cream ... This is the 2017 China International Coffee Show (Scene Cafe Show) scene. Despite heavy rains on the first day, the enthusiasm of the audience diminished and bustling venues filled the aroma of coffee. Here, you can instantly understand the current hot coffee market! Expand to 4 days, popular full! July 6 ~ 2017 July, by the Beijing China Hong Kong Exhibition Co., Ltd. hosted the Fifth China International Coffee Show in China International Exhibition Center