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铁路财务工作的重点之一是加强基本建设投资财务管理,如何在新形势下加强对施工单位建设资金监督,是铁路基建投资财务管理的重要组成部分,是当前需要我们去探索和研究的课题。本人结合当前的实际工作,就此做一些粗浅的探讨。一、对加强施工单位建设资金监督的重要性和可行性分析(一)加强对施工单位建设资金监管的重要性分析1.控制基建投资的需要随着基建投资的不断加大,建设资金的缺口越来越大,借贷资金越来越多,如何控制建设资金成本,科学合理安排建设资金的供应和调度,是一个摆在财务工作者眼前的重要课题。资金的问题包括两个大的方面,一是资金的筹集问题,这里暂且不做讨论。二是资金的使用问题,铁路基建财务管理者已采 One of the focuses of railway finance work is to strengthen the financial management of capital construction investment. How to strengthen the supervision of capital construction construction under the new situation is an important part of the financial management of railway infrastructure investment, which is the current issue that we need to explore and study. I combine the current actual work, to do some superficial discussion. First, to strengthen the construction unit supervision of the importance of funding and feasibility analysis (A) to strengthen the supervision of the construction unit supervision of the importance of capital 1. Control of infrastructure investment needs With the increasing investment in infrastructure, construction funding gap Increasingly, more and more borrowing funds, how to control the cost of capital construction, scientific and rational arrangements for the supply of construction funds and scheduling, is an important task posing in front of financial workers. Funding issues include two major aspects, one is the financing of the issue, here for the time being do not discuss. Second, the use of funds, rail infrastructure finance managers have taken