“未来是黑暗的,我认为这就是它最好的归宿。”伍尔夫在她1915年1月18日的日记中写道,当时她差不多三十三岁,而第一次世界大战正演变成一场空前规模的灾难性大屠杀,且将持续数年。比利时已经沦陷,欧洲大陆处于战争状态,许多欧洲国家正在侵略世界其他地方,巴拿马运河刚刚开通,美国经济陷入窘境,两万九千人在意大利的一场地震中丧生,齐柏林飞艇正准备袭击大雅茅斯(Great Yarmouth,英国东海岸城市),空袭平民的时代即将开始,而德国在数星期后的西部前线首次使用了毒气。然而,伍尔夫所写也许是关于她自己的未来,而非世界。
“The future is dark, and I think that’s where it’s best.” "Woolf wrote in her diary on January 18, 1915, when she was almost 33 years old and World War I Is evolving into an all-time catastrophic massacre that will last for years. Belgium has fallen, continental Europe is in a state of war, many European nations are invading the rest of the world, the Panama Canal has just opened, the U.S. economy is in a dilemma, 29,000 people have died in an earthquake in Italy, and Zeppelin airships are preparing to attack Taiga The era of air-raid civilians is about to begin with Great Yarmouth, the eastern coast of Britain, and Germany first used gas in the western frontline weeks later. However, Woolf may write about her own future, not the world.