一、经济行为的本性——以个别性交易为范例——的分析 经济活动是行为主体追求自身利益最大化的活动。为实现自身利益一定程度上又必须同时满足他人利益才能实现。经济活动主体首先考虑的是自身利益,由于客观需要才会考虑满足他人利益。“等价交换属于利己心的世界,而伦理属于利
First, the nature of economic behavior - to individual transactions as an example - the analysis of economic activity is the main activity of the pursuit of their own interests to maximize the activities. To achieve their own interests must to some extent also satisfy the interests of others can be achieved. The main body of economic activity is to consider its own interests, because of the objective needs will consider satisfying the interests of others. Equivalent exchange belongs to the world of self-interest, and ethics belongs to profit