夏季为养鱼生产的黄金季节,养殖管理的好坏将直接影响全年的经济效益。笔者根据多年的生产实践,总结出如下管理措施。1 科学投饵。夏季的饲料投喂占全年投饲量的80%以上。所以,科学投饵十分重要。高产养鱼要进行驯化养殖,坚持“四定”投饵要注意以下几点:一是要选择营养配比合理、质量好、适口的饲料。在保质期内投喂,不投喂发霉变质饲料。最好在饲料中加入诱食剂。二是确定每天的投饲量,一般夏季每天投饲量占水体吃食鱼重量的5%左右。三是每天每次的投饲时
Summer season for the production of fish in the golden season, farming management will directly affect the quality of the annual economic benefits. The author based on many years of production practice, summed up the following management measures. 1 scientific feeding. Feeding in the summer accounted for more than 80% of the annual feeding amount. Therefore, scientific feeding is very important. High-yield fish should be domestically cultured, adhere to the “four” feeding should pay attention to the following points: First, to choose a reasonable nutrition, good quality, palatable feed. Feeding in the shelf life, do not feed mildew feed. It is best to add attractant in the feed. The second is to determine the amount of daily feeding, the general amount of summer feeding water accounts for about 5% of the weight of fish. Third, every time when feeding