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当我们站在深沉的历史回顾和急迫的现实审视的交汇点上,考察我国建国四十多年消费运行演进的历史时,我们可以看到,这部历史是由“抑制消费”、“补足消费”、“刺激消费”三部曲循环交替的历史轨迹组成,它是一个否定之否定的循序渐进过程,是长期以来通过政府的行政计划安排积累和消费的比例关系以协调社会主义生产目的与实现这一目的的手段之间关系的产物。随着改革开放的深入和实践的发展,迫切要求我们必须要站在前人的肩膀上剖析其间蕴含的深刻的结构机理。国内现有的几部消费经济学著作一般都是从消费需要出发,以满足消费者需要作为贯穿其理论体系的逻辑线索的,在消费者需要之后,再依次排列出消费水平、消费结构、市场等问题。实际上,在市场经济条件下,抽象的消费者需要是不可能成为国民经济总体运行中的一个现实要素的。只有通过市场表现出来的有支付能力的需求,才是经济资源有效配置的一个基本参教,因此,在未论证市场机制是协调资源配置与 When we stand on the intersection of a deep historical review and an urgent realistic examination, and examine the history of the evolution of consumer operation in the more than 40 years since the founding of our nation, we can see that this history is characterized by “restraining consumption,” "making up for consumption It is a step-by-step process of negative negation. It has long been a matter of arranging the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption through the government’s administrative plan so as to coordinate the purposes of socialist production with the realization of this A product of the relationship between the means of a goal. With the deepening of reform and opening up and the development of practice, it is urgent to analyze the deep structural mechanism implied in standing on the shoulders of our predecessors. Several of the existing books on consumer economics generally start from the demand for consumption in order to meet the needs of consumers as the logical clues that run through the theoretical system. After the consumers demand, they then rank the consumption level, the consumption structure, the market And other issues. In fact, under the conditions of a market economy, abstract consumer needs can not become a realistic factor in the overall operation of the national economy. Only through the market shows that the demand for the ability to pay is a basic reference for the effective allocation of economic resources. Therefore, it is not demonstrated that the market mechanism is to coordinate resource allocation with
<正> 马柯维茨等人创建的资产组合理论告诉我们如何通过求极值的方法,在给定的风险值(方差)前提下使组合资产的预期收益极大化;或是在某一目标预期收益下使组合资产的风险极
<正> 随着1993年12月15日关贸总协定第8轮多边贸易谈判,即乌拉圭回合的结束,中国“复关”的谈判进程越显紧迫,我国重返关贸总协定的日期日益临近。中国正式“复关”后,必将对
<正> 当前,我国改革和现代化建设已进入新的发展时期,如何在现有基础上实现公有制与市场经济的有机结合,加快农村经济市场化进程,构建农村社会主义市场经济体制的基本框架,既
<正> 1989年3月至1990年6月,我们共收治小儿麻痹症后遗肢体畸形或瘫痪的患者200余人,对其中193人施行了矫形手术266次。现将术后随访复查中发现的有关问题和几点认识报告如下
<正> (一)证券交易所的比较世界各国证券交易所的组织形式大致可分为两类,一类是公司制的证券交易所,一类是会员制证券交易所。公司制证券交易所是由银行、证券公司、投资信