The third of the American comedy series ”Little Devils,“ recently released in this city, inherited the story of the first two episodes. They were both expressive and brave young children. They alone designed home-made traps and gangsters to make their opponents suffer. The story of a gangster who eventually won. Slightly different from the first two episodes, the film’s culprits devoted their attention to not wanting to get jewellery money, but a large computer chip. I do not know whether the screenwriter is intentional or unintentional. This plot is a reflection of the new trend of criminal offenses: stealing chips. At present, the integrated circuit chip is a key part of various modern devices such as computers, video recorders, camcorders and other consumer electronic products. If the chip is valued, a pound of chips is much more expensive than a pound of gold. Therefore, stealing chips is more popular than snatching banks. It is an open secret that thieves in the United States, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Japan, and other industrialized countries are trying every means to pursue similar Intel 80486 (i486) and Pentium (abbreviation). P5), 8M/16MDRAM and other high-end chips. The i486 and P5 chips are about the same size as human fingernails (84 to 294 mm2). Usually, even if the IC chip is enclosed in a housing, the power is only as large as an ordinary stamp, so it is very convenient to carry; More than 100 i486 chips can be produced on large wafers (semi-finished products). Even if the yield is only 50% (actually as high as 80%), the value of this large disk, like the size of a compact disc, is at least $5,000. According to the US ”California Today“ magazine, the loss of high-tech products caused by such thefts amounts to 7.5 million to tens of millions of US dollars a year for large manufacturers in Silicon Valley. The results of the inventory of such cases are mostly so-called ”catch the burglars and see them. It turned out to be their own