九阳印务 报业新探索——访广东九州阳光传媒有限公司印务分公司总经理陆飞

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在新一轮改制大潮的影响下,以前专门服务于报社而无须考虑市场的报纸印刷企业,将作为独立的主体参与市场竞争。几年前,只有少部分报纸印刷企业在尝试商业印刷,现在,有越来越多报纸印刷企业开始进行或者正在准备参与到商业印刷的竞争中去,如宁波日报报业集团印务中心、湖北日报报业集团楚天印务总公司、新华日报报业集团印务中心、重庆日报报业集团印务中心、黑龙江日报报业集团印务中心、成都博瑞传媒股份有限公司、广西日报报业集团印务中心等,他们当中,不乏商业印刷年产值实现数千万元甚至近亿元的企业。2009年,当我们再次将目光聚焦于报纸印刷领域时,我们试图寻找一家报纸印刷企业开展商业印刷业务的成功范例。就在此时,广东九州阳光传媒股份有限公司印务分公司走进了我们的视野,尽管九阳印务与我们平时接触的报纸印刷企业不大一样,但其报业出身、报纸印刷与商业印刷综合发展的全新思路也可以说是报业集团的一种新探索。新年伊始,本刊记者采访了广东九州阳光传媒股份有限公司印务分公司总经理陆飞先生。 Under the influence of the new round of restructuring, newspaper printing enterprises, which used to serve the newspapers without regard to the market, will participate in market competition as independent parties. A few years ago, only a few newspaper printing companies were trying out commercial printing. Now more and more newspaper printing companies have started or are preparing to compete in commercial printing, such as Ningbo Daily Newspaper Group Printing Center, Hubei Daily Newspaper Group Chutian Printing Corporation, Xinhua Daily Press Group Printing Center, Chongqing Daily Newspaper Group Printing Center, Heilongjiang Daily Press Group Printing Center, Chengdu Borui Media Co., Ltd., Guangxi Daily Newspaper Group Printing Center, among them, many of them commercial printing annual output value of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of companies. In 2009, when we looked again at newspaper printing, we tried to find a successful example of a newspaper printing company doing business in the commercial printing business. Just at this time, the Printing Co., Ltd., Kyushu, Sunshine Media Co., Ltd. into our field of vision, although the Nine Yang Government Printing and print media contact with us usually not the same, but its newspaper origin, newspaper printing and commercial A new way of thinking about the comprehensive development of printing can also be said to be a new exploration of the newspaper group. At the beginning of the new year, our reporter interviewed Mr. Lu Fei, general manager of the Printing Office of Sunshine Media Co., Ltd., Kyushu, Guangdong Province.