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随着我国铁路五次大提速的进行,列车的运行速度有了较大的提高,但随之而来的是导致部分提速机车的横向动力学性能的恶化。而在某些速度下,机车的横向振动问题比较严重,已经影响了机车运行速度的进一步提高。为了满足铁路继续提速的要求,进一步改善机车的横向动力学性能已成为当务之急。本文针对SS9型机车在线路试验时出现的问题进行了分析,发现一系横向定位刚度不足是导致机车横向振动剧烈的主要原因。现车所采用的轴箱拉杆不能提供机车提速运行时所必需的横向定位刚度值,对轴箱拉杆进行改进后,机车的非线性稳定性得到提高,直线运行的轮轴横向力和平稳性得到很大改善,并通过线路试验得到验证。同时,由于轮轨动态作用大为改善,对机车长期运用中保持良好稳定的动力学性能、提高悬挂部件的可靠性并延长使用寿命非常有利。 With the speeding up of China Railway five times, the running speed of the train has been greatly improved, but the consequent deterioration of the lateral dynamic performance of some of the speeding locomotives. However, at some speeds, the lateral vibration of the locomotive is more serious and has already affected the further increase of locomotive running speed. In order to meet the requirements of the railway to continue to speed up, to further improve the locomotive’s lateral dynamic performance has become a top priority. In this paper, the problems occurred during the on-line test of SS9 locomotive are analyzed and it is found that the lack of lateral locating stiffness is the main reason that causes the locomotive to vibrate laterally. The axle box tie rod used in the current car can not provide the lateral positioning rigidity value required for the locomotive running at high speed. After the improvement of the axle box tie rod, the non-linear stability of the locomotive is improved. The lateral force and the stability of the axle in the straight line run are very good Great improvement, and verified by line test. At the same time, it is very beneficial to improve the reliability of the suspension components and prolong the service life due to the greatly improved dynamic performance of the wheel and rail, good and stable dynamic performance in long-term use of locomotives.
讲练结合教学法,讲练是基础,讲练结合是精髓,循序渐进是它的生命力所在。适合在职教培训教学中应用。 Teaching combined with teaching methods, training is the foundati
目的探讨青岛地区新生儿促甲状腺素(TSH)的筛查切值。方法对本市新生儿疾病筛查中心212 781例新生儿TSH结果进行分析,采用百分位数法及ROC曲线法制定合理的TSH切值,并分析采