中国文学在当代“全球化”大潮中开始步入发展的又一鼎盛期。然而文学销售市场 的兴旺并不能代表文学创作的健康发展,是什么阻碍了当代文学冲向国际的步伐?本文针对 当今意识形态方面有关“中体西用”、“西体中用”大辩论中中国当代文学的新世纪走向问 题,指出了中国当代文学在寻求自身发展过程中夹存着“反儒”现象。进而从文学自身发展 的角度和社会学角度探讨当下文学怎样冲破“反儒之锁”,处理好“民族的”与“普世的” 之间的关系问题。
Chinese literature has entered another peak of development in the tide of contemporary “globalization.” However, the prosperous literature sales market can not represent the healthy development of literary creation, what impedes the pace of contemporary literature going to the world? In view of the current ideological aspects of the debate on “Chinese-Western use” and “Western-style use” The trend of Chinese contemporary literature in the new century points out the phenomenon of “anti-Confucianism” being trapped in contemporary Chinese literature in seeking its own development. Then from the perspective of the development of literature itself and sociology, this paper explores how contemporary literature breaks the lock of anti-Confucianism and deals with the relationship between “national” and “universal”.