京剧《贺后骂殿》的赵光义,为什么多唱言派腔?同时出于对京剧历史探索之需要,笔者愿对此问题提出自己的一孔之见,愿能得到专家学者的指教。《贺后骂殿》是本戏《烛影摇红》 (又名《烛影记》)中的一折。在言菊朋,程砚秋两位著名京剧艺术大师联袂演出以前,只是一出极普通的开锣戏,陈德霖、王瑶卿两位前辈均演过
Why do we sing a different style of speech? Zhao Guangyi, the chief opera critic of Beijing Opera, said: “Why do you sing more than yourself? For the sake of exploring the history of Beijing Opera, I would like to offer my own opinions on this issue and would like to be consulted by experts and scholars. ”He after the curse of the temple“ is the play ”candle shady“ (also known as ”candle shadow") in a fold. In the words of Ju Peng, Cheng Yanqiu two famous Peking Opera masters performed side by side, just an extraordinary kick-off show, Chen Deli, Wang Yaoqing two predecessors have played