In order to guarantee equal employment rights for disabled people, our country has promulgated a series of laws and regulations that explicitly prohibit employment discrimination against persons with disabilities. However, in addition to people with disabilities, there are also other serious diseases such as myopia, high blood pressure and other diseases that do not reach the standard of disability, as well as serious employment discrimination due to health reasons. However, employment discrimination against such groups is not explicitly stated in our law Prohibition, it is difficult to find a normative basis for protection. In view of the fact that the equal employment rights of such general diseases patients have been infringed upon in practice, it is necessary to learn from the “disability” standard in the disability discrimination law of the United States. Using this standard as a link, it will be subject to discrimination in employment Patients with disease transition to “disabled ” category, and thus apply the current “legal provisions prohibit disability discrimination ” provision to provide protection and relief.