8月20日至22日,中国园艺学会观赏园艺专业委员会在山东东营大王镇召开园林树木树种规划苗木研讨会,来自全国教学、科研、花木企业共120多人与会。会议收到论文50多篇,北京林业大学学报出了论文专集。与会代表就城镇树种规划、苗圃建设、苗木繁育等问题进行了热烈的讨论,交流了情况,达成了共识,发出了倡议,吁请全国同行及有关方面对树木规划、苗圃建设、自然生态环境保护等问题引起关注。 树种规划势在必行 绿化是城市建设的重要任务之一,它不仅为了美观,装饰,它与环境保护,经济建设及人民生活有着密切关系。为了搞好城镇绿化,有关部门从80年代以来,组织专家在广泛进行调查研究的基础上,制定了《中国城市园林树种区域规划》,根据地区范围,自然条件,土
From August 20 to August 22, the Ornamental Horticulture Professional Committee of China Horticulture Society held a seedling seminar on landscape tree species planning at Da Wang Town, Dongying, Shandong Province. More than 120 participants from teaching, scientific research and flowers and trees enterprises attended the symposium. Meeting received more than 50 papers, Beijing Forestry University Journal out of a collection of papers. Participants held heated discussions on urban tree species planning, nursery construction and nursery stock breeding, exchanged views on the issues, reached consensus and issued an initiative calling on counterparts and relevant parties to conduct tree planning, nursery construction and natural ecological environment protection. The problem is causing concern. Tree planting is imperative greening is one of the important tasks of urban construction, it is not only beautiful, decorative, it is with the environmental protection, economic construction and people’s lives are closely related. In order to do a good job of urban greening, relevant departments from the 80’s, the organization of experts based on extensive research conducted on the basis of the development of “China’s urban landscape tree species regional planning”, according to the region, natural conditions, soil