日本最大的汽车制造商丰田(TOYOTA)近日宣布发明了一种机器人孩童。这种机器人不但能够做路途向导,还能够安慰和宽解那些没有孩子的女性。据了解,丰田公司计划将在明年开始销售这种“机械宝宝”。据报道,这种长约10厘米的机器人名为Kirobo Mini,内部装有摄影镜头,麦克风和蓝牙系统,同时可以连接智能手机。丰田公司的研发部门表示,机器人能够辨识人
TOYOTA, Japan’s largest automaker, announced the invention of a robot child. This robot not only can do the road guide, but also to comfort and leniency to those who do not have children. It is understood that Toyota plans to start selling this kind of “mechanical baby” next year. It is reported that this robot about 10 cm long called the Kirobo Mini, equipped with a camera inside the camera, microphone and Bluetooth system, at the same time can be connected to smart phones. Toyota’s R & D department said the robot can recognize people