传神肖貌 诗画交融──论唐诗对唐代人物画的借鉴吸收陶文鹏唐代是中国诗歌与绘画艺术高度繁盛并开始交融的时代。对于唐代山水诗和山水画的相互影响、渗透,已有不少学者作了广泛、深入的研究;而唐代人物画同唐诗的人物形象描绘的关系,迄今尚未引起注意。我认为,研究...
Poetry and Paintings Embodying Expressiveness and Posthumousness ─ ─ Learning from the Tang Poems on the Figure Painting in the Tang Dynasty Absorbing Tao Wenpeng in the Tang Dynasty is the Era of the Flourishing and Beginning Blending of Chinese Poetry and Painting Art. For the interaction and infiltration of landscape poems and landscape paintings in the Tang Dynasty, many scholars have made extensive and in-depth studies. However, the relationship between the portraits of the Tang Dynasty and portrayals of Tang poems has not drawn any attention. I think, research ...