地黄是临床上常用的中药 ,具有滋阴养血、清热凉血、生津等功效。熟地黄可以滋阴补血。近来发现中药材市场有以锁阳饮片染成黑色掺入地黄出售。地黄为玄参科植物地黄 Rehmarmia glutinosa Li-bosch.的干燥块根。锁阳为锁阳科植物锁阳Cynomorium songaricum Rupr.的干燥肉质茎。
Rehmannia is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine in the clinic and has the effects of nourishing yin and nourishing blood, cooling heat, and cooling fluid. Rehmannia can nourish yin and blood. Recently, it has been found that the market for Chinese medicinal materials is sold as a combination of black pigments and natural black pigments. Rehmannia glutinosa is a dry tuber of Reicharmia glutinosa Li-bosch. Cynomorium is a dry fleshy stem of Cynomorium songaricum Rupr.