房间隔缺损 (ASD)是常见的先天性心脏病 ,既往手术是其唯一的治疗方法。随着介入医学的发展 ,已有若干种器械应用于 ASD的介入治疗。Amplatzer封堵器是一种新型的封堵器 ,可用于幼儿 ASD介入治疗。我们应用此技术经动脉导管(PDA)传送器治疗 2例幼儿继发孔 ASD患者 ,现报告如下?
Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a common congenital heart disease, and previous surgery is its only treatment. With the development of interventional medicine, several devices have been used for the interventional treatment of ASD. Amplatzer occluder is a new type of occluder that can be used for interventional treatment of young children with ASD. We apply this technology via the PDA catheter for the treatment of 2 cases of secondary childhood ASD in children, the report is as follows?