三鼎伟业装饰设计有限公司地处北京亚运村地区,是一家专业从事装饰装潢工程设计及施工的法人单位。 三鼎的业务包括:住宅、公寓、别墅、娱乐空间、办公空间、陈列展览等工程的装饰装修咨询、设计及施工。 一、家装工程 家装工程是针对对家庭居住环境进行的装饰和装修工程,它是在满足居住功能的前提下,
Sanding Albert CHAN Decorative Design Co., Ltd. is located in Beijing Asian Games Village area, is a professional decoration and decorating project design and construction of legal entities. Sanding’s business includes: residential, apartments, villas, entertainment space, office space, exhibitions and exhibitions, such as the decoration of the project consulting, design and construction. First, the home improvement project Home improvement project is for the family living environment for decoration and renovation project, it is to meet the residential functions under the premise,