Serial material model (Dilute model)and Limited Units (LU)method were employed to analyze the performance of binary piezo-composite system.The reckoned electric potential deployments illustrated difference while the particles were different.Their piezoelectricities were also calculated according to the model,and furthermore comparation suggested that small particles living in the tolerance improve the piezoelectricity of piezo-composite.Experiments coinciding with analyses were processed simultaneously. Ceramics were milled for different time in order to control the concentration of particle size.The results showed that the filled particles enhanced the piezoelectricity of binary piezo-composite system efficiently whereas too many chips deteriorated the performance of piezo-composites.
Serial material model (Dilute model) and Limited Units (LU) method were employed to analyze the performance of binary piezo-composite system. The reckoned electric potential deployments illustrated difference while the particles were different. The piezoelectric properties were also calculated according to the model, and more comparation suggested that small particles living in the tolerance improve the piezoelectricity of piezo-composite. Experiments coinciding with analyses were processed simultaneously. Ceramics were milled for different time in order to control the concentration of particle size. The results showed that the filled particles enhanced the piezoelectricity of binary piezo-composite system aware and too many chips deteriorated the performance of piezo-composites.