镜头回放:2005年3月31日,本刊主办的“自主择业转业军官创业论坛”在北京香山盛世物业公司总部举办,军地军转业务部门领导、专家学者、企业家、自主择业干部代表等西余人参加了论坛。社长侯福兴主持论坛时讲道: “这是全国范围内第一次专门为自主择业干部举办的论坛,自主择业干部需要这个论坛,民营企业呼唤这个论坛,社会各界支持这个论坛,它是军转安置部门、民营企业和专家学者们一次完美的嫁接。”
Lens Playback: March 31, 2005, the magazine sponsored “independent career demobilized military entrepreneurs Forum” held in Beijing Fragrant Spirit Property Company headquarters, the military forces transferred to business leaders, experts and scholars, entrepreneurs, representatives of independent career cadres Xiyu participated in the forum. When he presided over the forum, the president Hou Fuxing said: “This is the first forum for self-employed cadres across the country. This forum is required for self-reliant cadres. Private-owned enterprises are calling this forum and the community supports this forum. Resettlement departments, private enterprises and experts and scholars a perfect grafting. ”