目的 评定飞机飞行品质 ,建立“歼击机飞行员脑力负荷评价模型”。 方法 在歼 - A和歼 - B两种不同飞机的地面飞行模拟器上 ,由飞过该两种飞机的飞行员进行测试 ,对评价脑力负荷的主观评价法、主任务评价法、次任务评价法、生理评价法和综合评价法共 7个指标用显著性测验进行选择。 结果 5个评价指标当选 ,根据该 5个指标的权重建立了“歼击机飞行员脑力负荷评价模型”,并在歼 - C飞机地面模拟器上进行了验证。 结论 结果与试飞员的主观评价符合。该评价模型作出的评定可靠 ,有较强的可操作性。
Objective To evaluate the flight quality of aircraft and establish a “model of mental pilot load evaluation for fighter pilots”. Methods The pilots flying over the two kinds of aircraft were tested on the ground flight simulator of J-A and J-B. The subjective evaluation method, the main task evaluation method and the sub-task evaluation method , Physiological evaluation and comprehensive evaluation of a total of seven indicators with a significance test to choose. Results Five evaluation indexes were elected. According to the weights of the five indexes, “Evaluation model of mental load of fighter pilots” was established and validated on the ground simulator of J - C aircraft. The conclusions are in accordance with the subjective evaluation of test pilots. The evaluation model to make a reliable assessment, there is a strong maneuverability.