在肖克老将军指挥的黄沙大会战旧址的山脚下,江西省宜丰县天宝乡基于民兵金洪明家里,4月22日这天下午,被男女老少挤得水泄不通。原来是金洪明在因特网上发布“阿陆养鸭场信息”。 金洪明的父亲金阿陆与鸭子打了大半辈子交道,鸭场也发展到一定规模:有种鸭5000多只,品种有湖鸭、土鸭、杂交鸭等;拥有电控孵化箱9只,5天便可出万羽鸭苗,年纯收入10多万元,是远近闻名的“养鸭专业户”、“卖鸭状元”。去年
At the foot of the site of the old battle of Yellow Sands commanded by General Xiao Ke, Tianbao Township, Yifeng County, Jiangxi Province, was based on the militia’s hometown of Jin Hongming. On the afternoon of April 22, it was crowded with men, women and children. It turned out that Kim Hong-ming released “Alu duck farm information” on the Internet. Jin Hongming’s father, Jin Lulu and ducks played for the rest of their lives, the duck farm has also developed to a certain scale: there are more than 5,000 kinds of duck, duck, ducks, hybrid ducks, etc. There are electric incubators 9, 5 A day can be Wan Yu ducklings, the annual net income of more than 10 million, is well-known “Ducks specialized households”, “selling duck champion.” last year