各位代表,各位来宾: 2001年度《冶金财会》通讯工作座谈会在攀钢蓉城大厦隆重召开,在此,我代表东道主攀钢(集团)公司,向来自全国冶金企业的各位代表表示热烈的欢迎!向百忙之中与会的戚司长表示热烈的欢迎! 《冶金财会》是冶金行业财会工作者信息传递、知识传播、经验交流的重要阵地。多年来,她在传达国家财会工作的大政方针、财经法规以及传递财经信息、介绍典型经验等方面,做了大量卓有成效的工
Dear Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen: In 2001, the symposium on “Metallurgical Finance and Accounting Conference” was grandly held in Chengdu Pancheng Iron and Steel Building. Here, on behalf of the host Panzhihua Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation, I extend a warm welcome to all delegates from metallurgical enterprises in the country. We warmly welcome Qi, the director of the meeting, who is busy. Metallurgical Finance and Accounting is an important front for information exchange, knowledge dissemination and exchange of experience among accounting workers in the metallurgical industry. Over the years, she has done a great deal of fruitful work in conveying the major policies, financial laws and regulations of the country’s accounting work as well as passing on financial information and introducing typical experiences