Four soybean germplasms with different subunits of 7S and 11S globulin were used as materials to make tofu with a small sample soybean processing method. The yield of tofu, the dry weight of tofu (DTW), the content of tofu protein (PC) and the hardness of tofu Soybean protein content (RPA) and other tofu quality indicators, and analysis and identification of tofu processing characteristics to clarify the above four kinds of soybean germplasm in tofu quality processing potential. The results showed that the expression of 7S globulin subunits of soybean were as follows: deletion of α’-subunit, deletion of [(α ’+ α) + 11S (Ⅱb + Ⅱ a)] - There were significant differences in quality traits such as tofu yield, tofu dry weight, tofu protein content, tofu hardness and soymilk protein content of tofu made on day A-5, day B-1 and Vietnamese brown navel, Wet and dry tofu yield greater genetic variation coefficient. α’-Subunit Absent Type Day A-5 is a soybean germplasm resource suitable for processing tofu with calcium sulfate as a coagulant. Low soybean 7S globulin strain B-1 due to the simultaneous lack of 11S acidic subunit, made of tofu hardness is low, poor shape. Vietnam imported brown umbilical (β-less) can be used in the selection of high-quality varieties of tofu varieties to be used.