绍兴通宝币文,为宋高宗赵构于绍兴二十七年(公元1 159年),五十一岁时所书。币文为楷书,右旋读。高宗赵构是宋徽宗第九子,初封康王,在“靖康之变”徽、钦宗被俘后,在南京(今河南商丘)即位,再南迂扬州,再渡江建都临安(今浙江杭州)。在位三十六年,忍辱偏安。在政治上走求和路线,向金称臣纳供,割弃淮北。原中国宋史学会会长朱瑞熙教授认为:“宋高宗在对金关系上,他坚持与金议和,不惜纳贡称臣、杀害岳飞父子,因此是十足的投降派
Shaoxing Tongbao currency, for the Song Emperor Zong Zhao structure in Shaoxing Twenty-seven years (AD 159), 51 years old when the book. Currency text for regular script, right-reading. Gao Zong Zhao Tzu is the ninth son of the Song Huizong, Chu Kang king, in the ”change of Jingkang“ emblem, Qinzong captured, in Nanjing (now Henan Shangqiu) ascended the throne, Lin’an (now Zhejiang Hangzhou). Thirty-six years in office, be patient insult. In the political path of seeking peace and acceptance to the gold Chenchen, abandoned Huaibei. The former president of the Song Dynasty of China, Professor Zhu Rui-hei, said: ”Song Emperor Gao Jinzong insisted on meeting with Kim Jong-he and paid tribute to him and killed Yue Fei and his son, so it is a full capitulationist