近 6年来我们采用瘘管切开引流 ,内口切除 ,瘘管搔扒术及术后中西医结合治疗肛瘘 10 7例 ,疗效满意 ,现报道如下 :1 临床资料本组 10 7例均按国家中医药管理局发布的《中医病证诊断疗效标准》(1) 确诊 ;并按该诊断标准进行分类 ,其中低位单纯性肛瘘 5 2例 ,低位复杂性肛瘘 32
Nearly 6 years, we use fistula incision and drainage, internal resection, fistula scratching and postoperative treatment of anal fistula 107 cases, with satisfactory results, are reported as follows: 1 Clinical data of this group 107 cases were in accordance with the national Chinese medicine Administrative Bureau issued the “Chinese medicine syndrome diagnostic efficacy criteria” (1) confirmed; and according to the diagnostic criteria for classification, including low simple anal fistula 52 cases, low complex anal fistula 32