口腔毛状白斑(hairy leukoplakia,HL)是一种与EB 病毒有关的值得注意的病损,见于人类免疫缺陷病毒感染者。HL 的临床和组织学特征是典型而明确的。作者共研究379例HL 患者,其中有165例在48个月内发展成艾滋病。临床特点HL 是通常发生于舌侧缘(常双侧)的白色斑块。少见于颊、唇粘膜、口底、软腭和口咽粘膜,未见于食道,喉、肛门、阴道粘膜和皮肤。病损可呈皱褶状,或增生成毛毯样。需与粘膜扁平苔藓,白色海绵状痣、烟斑、特发性白斑进行鉴别诊断.组织病理学特点HL 病损表现棘皮病和过角化的上皮增生特点,表面形成皱褶状。厚的表皮有时剥脱,
Oral hairy leukoplakia (HL) is a noteworthy lesion associated with the EB virus that is found in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals. The clinical and histological features of HL are typical and clear. The authors studied 379 HL patients, of whom 165 developed AIDS within 48 months. Clinical features HL are white patches that usually occur on the lingual border (often bilaterally). It is rare in the cheeks, the mucous membranes of the lips, the floor of the mouth, the soft palate, and the oropharyngeal mucosa. It is not found in the esophagus, larynx, anus, vaginal mucosa, and skin. Lesions can be wrinkled or felt like wool. To be differentially diagnosed with mucosal lichen planus, white spongy warts, smoke spots, and idiopathic leukoplakia. Histopathological features HL lesions are characterized by epithelial hyperplasia of echinosterosis and hyperkeratosis, with wrinkled surface formation. Thick skin is sometimes exfoliated,