一篇想象性作文的三个苹果的故事让人读来匪夷所思,由芬治教授培育的三个神奇的苹果:第一个被老狗吃了竟年轻而不死;第二个被一老人食之返老还童,继而发生一连串的食此狗、食此人之事,据云,人食其肉也可长生,读时让人心里发怵;此时,举世还在疯狂寻找那第三个苹果。习作结尾更奇:如果你得之,吃了?卖了?扔了? 故事编得有趣且富有张力,想象之翅的光芒直抵人性的弱点使其捉襟见肘;又像撒下恢恢网罟让人无法脱身。是情节的力量,毋如说是思想的力量。
The story of three Apples in an imaginary essay is ridiculously imaginable. The three magical apples nurtured by Professor Finch: The first one was eaten by an old dog and was young but not dead; the second was eaten by an old man. Rejuvenation, followed by a series of eating this dog, eating this person’s affairs, according to the cloud, people can eat their flesh can live forever, when reading people make people feel worried; this time, the world is still crazy looking for the third apple. The end of the work is even more bizarre: If you get it, eat, sell, sell, and throw away? The story is interesting and full of tension. The light of the imaginary wings reaches the weakness of human nature and makes it hard to reach. It is like a net that can’t be saved. Get out. It is the power of a plot, such as the power of thought.