话说大宋名士欧阳修致仕之后,隐居于滁州琅琊山中,每日里和众弟子饮酒作对,谈诗论文,生活也恬淡自得。只不过致仕之后进项少了许多,加之欧阳修为官清正,本来就没有多少积蓄,渐渐地也就手头吃紧起来。 一日,论及此事,众弟子撺掇道:“太守平生所学,也不过展示了一二。现今世道太平,是人不是人都兴办刊物。咱们何不也办一刊物,你老任主编,将写作秘笈传之后世,一来可培养文学新人,二来还可挣些酒钱,岂不是好?”欧阳修道:“你等所言亦是。老夫近
Saying the Song dynasty celebrity Ouyang Xiu Shushi, seclusion in Chuzhou Langya Mountain, daily and all disciples drink against, talk about poetry, life is also tranquil and self-satisfied. Only remission after the entry a lot less, combined with official repair Ouyang Xiuzheng, there is not much savings, and gradually get on tight hands. On the first day, when discussing this matter, all disciples shyly said: “The priests who have devoted their lives to life also show one or two.” Nowadays the worldly peace is not a matter for people to set up publications. Why not do a publication, Will be writing secrets handed down later generations, one can cultivate new literary talent, and secondly to earn some money, would not it be good? "Ouyang Xiu said: