
来源 :海南医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whitewolfwv7
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目的评估海口市区居民感染菲律宾毛细线虫的风险。方法笔者2016年5~8月采用自制问卷对622名海口市区居民进行调查,并采用病原诊断技术检查海口市区4个菜市场淡水鱼1 768条鱼肠感染菲律宾毛细线虫情况。结果 86.8%的海口市区居民食鱼行为有感染菲律宾毛细线虫的风险,10.3%的居民生食泥鳅,1.1%的居民生食其他淡水鱼,2.10%~10.8%的居民食泥鳅和菜市场之外淡水鱼有感染菲律宾毛细线虫的高风险。男性、文化程度是影响海口市区市民食鱼易感染菲律宾毛细线虫风险行为的主要因素(P<0.05)。结论海口双创降低了居民感染菲律宾毛细线虫的风险,但是居民感染菲律宾毛细线虫和其他各种鱼源性寄生虫的风险不容忽视。 Objective To assess the risk of infection of the Philippine capillary neptune by residents in downtown Haikou. Methods From May to August, 2016, 622 self-made questionnaires were used to survey 622 residents of Haikou City. Pathogenic diagnostic techniques were used to examine the prevalence of 1 668 freshwater fish in the 4 vegetable markets in Haikou city. Results 86.8% of the residents in Haikou City had the risk of feeding on the fish, 10.3% of the resident loach, 1.1% of the residents’ freshwater fish, 2.10% -10.8% of the resident fresh loach and the freshwater market outside the market Fish have a high risk of infection with the Philippine capillary bug. Male and educational level are the main factors influencing the risk behaviors of Capilorias nematode susceptible to feeding on fish in urban areas of Haikou (P <0.05). Conclusions Double-wounding in Haikou reduces the risk of residents acquiring C. nematophila, but residents should not be neglected to infect C. gigas and various other parasitic parasites.
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