根据我院1998~1999两年对800例足月孕产妇进行观察,发现胎儿脐带绕颈103例,其中绕1周80例、绕2周20例、绕3周3例,现总结如下。1 资料方法仪器为AloakSSD—630线陈实时超声探头频率35MHZ探查方法常规取仰卧位,进行纵横检查观察胎儿颈背部软组织及其周围情况,同时根
According to our hospital from 1998 to 1999, 800 full-term pregnant women were observed and found that the umbilical cord around the neck in 103 cases, of which 80 cases around 1 week, around 2 weeks 20 cases, around 3 weeks 3 cases, are summarized as follows. 1 data methods instrument for the AloakSSD-630 line Chen real-time ultrasonic probe frequency 35MHZ exploration method to take conventional supine position, check the fetus neck and back soft tissue and its surroundings, and at the same time