两年前曾经采访过一家跨国公司的亚太区总裁,与其他采访对象相比,他显得有些个别。在他的言谈中没有关于公司未来战略的高谈阔论,也鲜见在采访中经常听到的关于企业宏伟愿景的描述,更多的是某件事情是如何操作,某一个项目是如何执行的。对操作细节的清晰描述,让人很难想像这是一位身居高位的公司总裁。在他的观念中,“公司里的高层管理者,必须既能当兵,又能当将。履行管理职能时要是一个帅才,落实到操作层面时又必须是一个好的执行者。” 在很多管理者眼中,公司的战略规划往往是最重要的事情。这一点可以
He was interviewed by a multinational company two years ago, the president of Asia Pacific, compared with other interviewees, he looks a bit individual. There was no talk in his speech about the future strategy of the company, nor was it often described in the interview about the ambitious vision of the business, much more in how something worked and how the project was executed. Clearly describing the details of the operation makes it hard to imagine that this is a high-profile corporate president. In his view, “top management in a company must be both a soldier and a leader, and a handsome guy in the executive function must be a good executor when it comes to operations.” In many In the eyes of managers, the company's strategic planning is often the most important thing. This can be