今年以来,在国内新闻纸市场形势持续低迷的情况下,武汉晨鸣新闻纸生产经营依然保持着强劲增长势头。2O03年1~4月,该公司共产新闻纸45520t,完成工业总产值(不变价)13656万元,创利税4150万元。 为了确保纸机的稳定运行,今年以来,生产新闻纸的武汉晨鸣二厂在稳定生产工艺的同时,从挖掘设备潜能入手,加强设备的维护与保养,制定和实施了设备包机责任人制度、设备交接班制度、事故责任落实到责
Since the beginning of this year, despite the sluggish domestic newsprint market, Wuhan Chenming newsprint production and operation maintained its strong growth momentum. From January to April of 2003, the company produced 45520t of newsprint of the Communist Party of China, completing 136.56 million yuan of gross industrial output (constant price) and 41.5 million yuan of profits and taxes. In order to ensure the stable operation of the paper machine, Wuhan Chenming No.2 Plant, which produces newsprint, started this year by tapping the potential of its equipment and strengthening the maintenance and maintenance of the equipment, and formulated and implemented the system of equipment charter owners and equipment Handover system, responsibility for the implementation of the accident responsibility