本文研究了13Ni(2750MPa 级)马氏体时效钢的电子束焊接性能。结果表明,电子束焊接后,焊缝为焊接件的最薄弱环节。但其抗拉强度也可达到母材强度的90%。还分析了焊接后焊缝和热影响区的组织状态及其对性能的影响。
In this paper, the electron beam welding performance of 13Ni (2750MPa grade) martensitic steel was studied. The results show that the weld is the weakest part of the welded parts after the electron beam welding. But its tensile strength can reach 90% of the base metal strength. Also analyzed the welding seam and heat affected zone of the organization and its impact on performance.