
来源 :中学物理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tlljs
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一、知识扫描二、命题特点近几年各地中考物理试题中,热学部分的内容所占的比例不大,分值大约在10分左右,主要考查的内容有:运用物态变化的知识解释生活和自然界中一些热现象;温度计的使用和读数;分子热运动的理解;物质的比热容、燃料的热值的理解;热量的计算等。从考查的题型看,多为填空题和选择题,而热量的计算可能与其他知识综合出现在计算题当中。1.注重基础知识,考查学生解决实际问题的能力例1寒冬,坐满人的汽车门窗紧闭,水蒸气液化成小水珠附着在玻璃车窗_____侧,使玻璃变模糊,水蒸气变成水珠会_____热量。评析汽车内人很多,会呼出很多水蒸气,而玻 First, the knowledge scan Second, the proposition features In recent years around the physical examination questions, the proportion of the content of the heat part is not large, the score is about 10 minutes, the main contents of the test are: the use of knowledge of state changes in life And some thermal phenomena in nature; the use of thermometers and readings; the understanding of molecular thermal motion; the specific heat capacity of matter, the understanding of the calorific value of fuel; the calculation of heat, and so on. From the examination of the types of questions, mostly fill in the blank questions and multiple choice questions, and calorie calculations may be synthesized with other knowledge in the calculation of the question. 1 pay attention to basic knowledge, examine the ability of students to solve practical problems Example 1 winter, full of car doors and windows closed, steam liquefaction into small drops of water attached to the glass window _____ side, the glass becomes fuzzy, water vapor Into water droplets will _____ calories. Comment on a lot of people inside the car, will exhale a lot of water vapor, and glass
分别采用活性污泥和惰性材料MX作为载体富集培养硝化细菌,研究了富集培养过程中生物相结构和性质变化。结果表明,在25~28℃,pH 7.5~8.5,DO 2~5mg/L,氨氮浓度100mg/L条件下,分别
<正> 五个月前,我来到了南斯拉夫格鲁地亚共和国首都萨格勒布,在萨格勒布大学哲学系教育专业开始了为期两年的进修生活。五个月来,我读书、听课、参加大学生的课堂讨论、到小