The atmospheric nitric acid, ammonia and ammonium nitrate aerosol was determined simultaneously in a Beijing site to teste quilibrium. Rather good agreement between measurements and theory was found at ambient temperature above 9oC at relative humidity below 70%. Below 9oC the kinetic constraints preventing rapid attainment equilibrium were observed. A procedure for calculation of dependence of NH4NO3 aerosol dissociation constants on temperature and relative humidity was given. The seasonal variation of concentration of NH3, total NH4+ and HNO3 was observed.The seasonal variation of concentration of HNO3 was caused by dissociation of aerosol of NH4NO3. The concentrations of NH3 were 1-2 order higher than those of HNO3. For formation of NH4NO3 aerosol the HNO3 was the control reagent. Any increase of HNO3 to formed from NOx would react with NH3 form NH4NO3 aerosol in Beijing area except for someday in summer time.