近年来,一个适用于腔内和间质内治疗的较为经济的中子源越来越引人注目,这就是被称为“穷人的快中子”的~(252)Cf。在美国等少数国家,~(252)Cf已进入临床使用阶段。从1975年起,美国原子能委员会已提供足够的~(252)Cf源供临床使用,价格每微克只有1美元~(13)。一、简历 1950年美国加利福尼亚大学的研究人员,在加速器内使用氦离子轰击~(247)Curium(~(247)锔)靶,产生一种新的人工核素:Californium(锎),其原子核数为98,中子数为245。 1952年在Eniwetok Island的热核反应堆中,使用强烈的中子照射将铀的原子序数提高,产物之一便是放射性同位素~(252)Cf。
In recent years, a more economical source of neutrons suitable for intracavity and interstitial therapy has become more and more noticeable. This is the ~(252)Cf known as the “fast neutrons of the poor”. In a few countries such as the United States, ~(252)Cf has entered clinical use. Since 1975, the US Atomic Energy Commission has provided sufficient sources of ~(252)Cf for clinical use, at a price of only $1 per microgram (13). I. Resume In 1950, researchers at the University of California, USA, used helium ions to bombard the target of 247Curium (247) in an accelerator to produce a new artificial nuclear species: Californium (Nb). For 98, the number of neutrons is 245. In 1952, in the thermonuclear reactor at Eniwetok Island, the atomic number of uranium was increased by strong neutron irradiation. One of the products was the radioactive isotope ~(252)Cf.