Germany is a very important country in Europe. Germany has a very significant impact on the world whether it is political, economic, military or cultural. In the early 19th century, Germany’s industrial civilization lagged far behind that of Britain by more than a century. However, by the early 20th century Germany had achieved rapid rise and became Europe’s number one industrial power. In this century Germany started The strength of the two world wars gradually weakened and began to gradually move toward prosperity. Nowadays, Germany is undoubtedly the country with the most developed economic strength in the entire European region. The strength of a country often has a very close relationship with the education of the country. Moreover, the German culture and Germany Of education, there are inextricably linked, it can be said precisely because the German culture prompted the modernization of German education and modernization of German education has further realized the gradual growth of Germany, so we will analyze the German culture and Germany Education scientific process, through analysis to better understand the important reason why Germany is strong.