773是罗斯家乡芝加哥地区的区号,简单的三位数字是通向罗斯永远的归属之城芝加哥的密码。穿上承载着罗斯家乡荣耀的R0se 773,与罗斯一样,肩负着更多的责任和动力奋勇向前。本次Rose 773推出多款配色,其中的红黑和蓝黑配色都与罗斯篮球生命中的经历有关。现效力于芝加哥公牛队的罗斯在家乡球队发光发热,成为NBA赛场上红色的最佳代言人,鞋面上的那一抹红是对罗斯在公牛队贡献的最佳褒奖。而蓝色则是罗斯在高中及大学的主场配色,从高中全明星赛开始崭露头角的罗斯当时已经在家乡享有极高声誉,蓝黑配色的Rose 773纪念了成长期罗斯的种种卓越里程碑。
The 773 is the area code for the Chicago area of Rose’s hometown. The simple three-digit number is the password for Chicago, the home city of the forever Los Angeles. Put on R0se 773 bearing the glory of Rose’s hometown, and Rose, shoulder more responsibility and motivation to move forward. The Rose 773 introduced a variety of color, one of the black and blue and black color are related to Rose basketball experience in life. Rose, now playing for the Chicago Bulls, is glowing at hometown clubs, making him the red best NBA player on the court and the red touch on the upper is a tribute to Rose’s contribution to the Bulls. Rose is the color home of Rose in high school and college. Rose, who started to emerge from the All-Star Game in high school, enjoyed a high reputation in his hometown. The Blue-Black Rose 773 commemorates Rose’s remarkable milestone in growth.