Increased Efficacy of Antivenom Combined with Hyperbaric Oxygen on Deinagkistrodon acutus Envenomati

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XB_1209WTL
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Background:Snakebites are a neglected threat to global human health with a high morbidity rate.The present study explored the efficacy of antivenom with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) intervention on snakebites,which could provide the experimental basis for clinical adjuvant therapy.Methods:Male Sprague-Dawley rats (n =96) were randomized into four groups:the poison model was established by injecting Deinagkistrodon acutus (D.acutus) venom (0.8 LD50) via the caudal vein;the antivenom group was injected immediately with specific antivenom via the caudal vein after successful establishment of the envenomation model;and the antivenom + HBO group was exposed to HBO environment for 1 h once at predetermined periods of 0 h,4 h,12 h,and 23 h after antivenin administration.Each HBO time point had six rats;the control group was left untreated.The rats in the experimental group were euthanized at the corresponding time points after HBO therapy,and brain tissue and blood were harvested immediately.Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining was used to investigate the pathological changes in the rat brain.Immunohistochemistry (IHC),real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR),and West blotting were used to detect the expression ofNestin mRNA and protein in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the brain.The levels of coagulation function (prothrombin time,activated partial thromboplastin time [APTT],and fibrinogen) and oxidation/antioxidation index (malondialdehyde [MDA] and superoxide dismutase [SOD]) were analyzed.Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance.Results:The brain tissue from rats in the poison model was observed for pathological changes using H&E staining.Tissues showed edema,decreased cell number,and disordered arrangement in the SVZ in the snake venom group.The antivenom-HBO intervention significantly alleviated these observations and was more prominent in the antivenom + HBO group.The serum levels of SOD and MDA in the snake venom group were increased and the antivenom-HBO intervention further increased the SOD levels but significantly decreased the MDA levels;however,this was enhanced within 1 h after HBO administration (MDA:F=5.540,P=0.008,SOD:F=7.361,P =0.000).Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) was significantly abnormal after venom administration but improved after antivenom and was even more significant in the antivenom + HBO group 5 h after envenomation (F =25.430,P =0.000).Only a few nestin-positive cells were observed in the envenomation model.The expression levels were significant in the antivenom and antivenom + HBO groups within 1 and 5 h after envenomation and were more significant in the antivenom + HBO group as determined by IHC,real-time PCR,and West blotting (P < 0.05).D.acutus envenomation has neurotoxic effects in the brain of rats.Conclusions:Antivenin and HBO,respectively,induced a neuroprotective effect after D.acutus envenomation by attenuating brain edema,upregulating nestin expression in SVZ,and improving coagulopathy and oxidative stress.The intervention efficacy of antivenom with HBO was maximum within 5 h after envenomation and was more efficacious than antivenom alone.
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20 0 0年 3月 ,由江苏省科委组织 ,在中国工程院院士时铭显教授主持下通过了南京大学化工系张志炳教授负责的两个省级基金项目“复合精细蒸馏过程研究”和“高性能传质分离塔
运用确定性混沌分析技术 ,研究了气液两相单孔鼓泡过程的混沌机理 .结果表明 ,单孔鼓泡过程是由周期及拟周期鼓泡通向混沌的 .鼓泡过程随气体流量增加可分为 3个动力学流区 :
中枢神经系统(central nervous system, CNS)感染可引起严重的并发症和后遗症,早期快速明确CNS感染的病原体,对于降低CNS感染的病死率和减少后遗症都有重要的作用。目前脑脊液的病原体检测仍主要以脑脊液涂片进行形态学鉴定、细菌培养和抗原检测为主,部分能开展分子生物学方法检测,总体阳性率低,超过一半的CNS感染无法明确病原,使CNS感染的诊治面临极大的困难。以二代测序(next
基于颗粒相动力学理论 ,对层流机制表达的气固两相流体力学模型采用Reynolds平均的方法获得气固两相流的湍流模型描述 .其中 ,气相湍流行为以k -ε模型描述 ;颗粒相的碰撞行