随着作息时间的改变,人们的闲暇时间多了,不少人有闲暇游逛商场的习惯,有的还带着孩子一起逛。尤其是节假日,商场内人声鼎沸,足人群最聚集的地方,人们在欣赏五光十色的店堂装饰时,却忽视了商场里的环境污染问题,熙熙攘攘的人潮和豪华的装饰材料造成了严重的环境污染,对您和孩子的健康危害很大。 首先,商场内空气中含菌量大,据监测,大中商场空气中细菌总数普遍超过国家公共场所卫生标准的几倍到十几倍,有的含菌量高达11万个/m~3,能引发人群呼吸系统的疾病。
With the change of work and rest time, people have more leisure time, many people have the habit of leisure shopping, and some also go shopping with their children. Especially holidays, shopping malls voices, most of the crowd gathered in place, people enjoy the colorful decoration of the store, but neglected the environmental pollution problems in shopping malls, bustling crowds and luxurious decorative materials caused serious environmental pollution , A great harm to the health of you and your child. First of all, the mall has a large amount of bacteria in the air. According to monitoring, the total amount of bacteria in the air of large and medium-sized shopping malls has generally exceeded the health standards of public places in the country several times to ten times, and some bacteria contents have reached as high as 110,000 / Can cause disease of the respiratory system of the crowd.