After being released from prison, Shiratori Shiratori (Watanabe Atsuro), the red card Cowboy of Kabukicho, was mistaken for his deceased husband, and was asked by lawyers to see her sister, Yagami Sono, who had not seen her for years because of her divorce. (Hirosue Ryoko decorated), blind eyes of Yako inherited the great legacy of his father's death. Ritual came to Bannyuu (Fujiwara Tatsuya ornaments) as “Salute,” as a result of being forced by the debtor Takuro (Morimoto Leo) to pay off 700 million debts in two months. Sub-sub front. Yoko's side has been taking care of her laugh (Sakaguchi Ryoko ornaments) and his father identified the wedding of the fifty Lan (Suzuki I really decorated). Yako at the beginning of the sudden appearance of the rule of law is very exclusive brother, courtesy only installed as a good brother looks like sub. The original plan to kill the rule of law