Automatic quality improvement reports in the intensive care unit: One step closer toward meaningful

来源 :World Journal of Critical Care Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowdrangon
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AIM: To examine the feasibility and validity of electronic generation of quality metrics in the intensive care unit(ICU).METHODS: This minimal risk observational study was performed at an academic tertiary hospital. The Critical Care Independent Multidisciplinary Program at Mayo Clinic identified and defined 11 key quality metrics. These metrics were automatically calculated using ICU Data Mart, a near-real time copy of all ICU electronic medical record(EMR) data. The automatic report was compared with data from a comprehensive EMR review by a trained investigator. Data was collected for 93 randomly selected patients admitted to the ICU during April 2012(10% of admitted adult population). This study was approved by the Mayo Clinic Institution Review Board.RESULTS: All types of variables needed for metric calculations were found to be available for manual and electronic abstraction, except information for availability of free beds for patient-specific time-frames. There was 100% agreement between electronic and manual data abstraction for ICU admission source, admission service, and discharge disposition. The agreement between electronic and manual data abstraction of the time of ICU admission and discharge were 99% and 89%. The time of hospital admission and discharge were similar for both the electronically and manually abstracted datasets. The specificity of the electronically-generated report was 93% and 94% for invasive and non-invasive ventilation use in the ICU. One false-positive result for each type of ventilation was present. The specificity for ICU and in-hospital mortality was 100%. Sensitivity was 100% for all metrics.CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates excellent accuracy of electronically-generated key ICU quality metrics. This validates the feasibility of automatic metric generation. AIM: To examine the feasibility and validity of electronic generation of quality metrics in the intensive care unit (ICU) .METHODS: This minimal risk observational study was performed at an academic tertiary hospital. The Critical Care Independent Multidisciplinary Program at Mayo Clinic identified and defined These metrics were automatically calculated using ICU Data Mart, a near-real time copy of all ICU electronic medical record (EMR) data. The automatic report was compared with data from a comprehensive EMR review by a trained investigator. Data was collected for 93 randomly selected patients admitted to the ICU during April 2012 (10% of admitted adult population). This study was approved by the Mayo Clinic Institution Review Board.RESULTS: All types of variables needed for metric estimates were found to be available for manual and electronic abstraction, except information for availability of free beds for patient-specific time-frames. There was 100% agreeme nt between electronic and manual data abstraction for ICU admission source, admission service, and discharge disposition. The agreement between electronic and manual data abstraction of the time of ICU admission and discharge were 99% and 89%. The time of hospital admission and discharge were similar for both the electronically and manually abstracted datasets. The specificity of the electronically-generated report was 93% and 94% for invasive and non-invasive ventilation use in the ICU. One false-positive result for each type of ventilation was present. specificity for ICU and in-hospital mortality was 100%. Sensitivity was 100% for all metrics. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates excellent accuracy of electronically-generated key ICU quality metrics. This validates the feasibility of automatic metric generation.
术语是专业领域中概念的语言指称,是标准的重要组成部分,也是标准在贯彻实施过程中得到共同理解和解释的前提。在国家标准中,术语主要出现在术语标准中或非术语标准中“术语和定义”一章。无论是专门的术语标准中出现的术语还是“术语和定义”一章中出现的术语,其作用都是为了促进标准的共同理解,但二者在范围和编排上,还是具有一定区别的。本文主要根据GB/T 1.1—2009《标准化工作导则 第1部分:标准的结构和编
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