
来源 :中国社会保险 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soonercome
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随着社会保险改革的不断深化,社会保险统计的作用显得格外突出和重要。但是,目前我国社会保险统计工作还相对滞后,仍停留在上报统计报表的初级阶段,统计的信息、咨询和监督职能尚未发挥出来。其主要原因:一是各级社保机构的领导对统计作用的认识不足;二是统计人员的业务素质较低;三是没有一套完整的、科学的、全国统一的社会保险统计制度;四是社会保险统计的计算机管理与应用因刚刚起步,一时难以形成全国(或地区)的信息网络。为尽快改变统计在整个社会保险工作中相对滞后的局面,当前应做好以下几方面的工作: 1.定期编发《社会保险统计资料》。社会保险统计要为制定社会保险政策、社保机构管理、广大职工了解并参与社会保险活动等提供信息。现阶段提供信息的有效方法就是定期编发《社会保险统计资料》,一般分月度和年 With the continuous deepening of social insurance reform, the role of social insurance statistics has become particularly prominent and important. However, at present, China’s social insurance statistics are still lagging behind, and still remain in the initial stage of reporting statistical reports. The functions of statistical information, consultation and supervision have not been brought into full play. The main reasons are as follows: First, the leadership of social security agencies at all levels do not have enough understanding of the role of statistics; second, the professional quality of statisticians is low; third, there is no comprehensive, scientific and unified national statistical system for social insurance; Computer management and application of social insurance statistics has just started, it is difficult to form a national (or regional) information network. In order to change the relative lag of statistics in the entire social insurance work as soon as possible, we should do a good job in the following aspects: 1. Make regular “social insurance statistics.” Social insurance statistics should provide information for the formulation of social insurance policies, management of social insurance agencies, understanding of the general staff and participation in social insurance activities. An effective way to provide information at this stage is to regularly compile “social insurance statistics”, usually on a monthly basis and on an annual basis
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【摘要】普遍学生认为政治课堂是枯燥的,提不起兴趣。针对此种情况,我们教师就政治课教学如何提高学生的学习兴趣,是值得我们广大教师商榷的问题。笔者结合实践从五个方面谈一下自己的切身体会。  【关键词】政治课;提高;兴趣   【中图分类号】G633.2 【文献标识码】 C【文章编号】1671-1270(2010)05-0123-01    初中思想政治课,由于其学科本身的特点、性质决定是一门理论性较强的