我国女子步枪历代优秀射手的主要特点为:1 她们本体感受能力强,运动知觉的精细分化程度高。优秀射手的肌肉感觉能力强,既能精细调节与保持重心、力量的协调平衡,又对人枪系统的整体状态感受敏锐。他们的动作程序、技术规格系统清晰而适用,并能在实践中不断发展、完善、巩固、提高。2 进取心强,好胜敢打,对理想、目标有强烈的追求。“宁肯输技术,也不能输精神”、“与其说比赛是比技术,倒不如说是比精神状态”。象这样的体会在优秀射手的言谈和笔记中到处可见。优秀射手总是不满足
The main characteristics of the excellent shooters of the Chinese women’s rifles in the past are as follows: 1 They have strong ontology perception and high degree of fine differentiation of motor perception. Excellent shooter muscle strong ability to both fine-tune and maintain the balance of gravity and power balance, but also on the overall state of gun system feel sensitive. Their action procedures, technical specifications system clear and applicable, and can continue to develop in practice, improve, consolidate and improve. 2 ambitious, victorious dare to fight, the ideal, the goal has a strong pursuit. “Would rather lose technology, can not lose the spirit,” “is by no means a game than technology, but rather than state of mind.” Experiences like this can be found everywhere in the words and notes of good shooters. Excellent shooter is always not satisfied