1开创历史先河1940年5月,日本相机设计师Seichi Mamiya在出资人Tsunejiro Sugawara的赞助下创建了玛米亚公司。自诞生之日起,玛米亚一直是专业相机和镜头领域中“优秀”和“革新”的代名词。1970年玛米亚公司推出了Mamiya RB67 professional(简称pro),成为全球首款可旋转后背的中画幅相机。1974年其改进机型Mamiya RB67 proS问世,加入二次曝光、机背水平位置框线指示等功能。1990年升级的Mamiya RB67 proSD增大
In May 1940, Japanese camera designer Seichi Mamiya founded Mamiya Company under the sponsorship of investor Tsunejiro Sugawara. Since its birth, Mamiya has been synonymous with “excellence” and “innovation” in the field of professional cameras and lenses. 1970 Mamiya introduced the Mamiya RB67 professional (referred to as pro), becoming the world’s first mid-range camera with a swiveling back. In 1974 the improved model Mamiya RB67 proS come out, adding double exposure, the back of the machine horizontal position frame line instructions and other functions. The Mamiya RB67 proSD upgraded in 1990 increased